Wednesday 7 October 2015

Dholera Smart City The Future OF India

Dholera Smart City

Dholera Smart City is a paramount undertaking under the DMIC Project with an arrangement to make it an overall collecting focus point maintained by world class structure. The city would be manufactured as world class city, with a 10 way express route  running between the city from the state capital Ahmadabad to the compartment port. It would be the world greatest urban advancement venture.

Provide World Class Amenities.
Dholera Smart CityPlanned utilizing best of the breed innovation, device, and types of gear, and rich experience of master assets, including draftsmen, IT, telecom, and mechanical architects, Dholera Smart City and SIR would offer worldwide enhancements, including.
  • Private Township
  • Amusement parks
  • Recreational and relaxation facilities
  • Industrial space
  • Universal airplane terminal
  • International seaport
  • Metro rail

Opportunities available for investors 
  • Private townships
  • Build units
  • Warehouses
  • Infrastructure development
  • Leisure and entertainment activities

More information about Dholera Smart City


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